All successful organisations perform a regular audit - and AirSpace's first venture of 2012 is just that.
Stocktake is a transparent audit, in the form a self-reflective artists residency, which will allow us a chance to "take stock" of what we have achieved over the last 6 years, but more importantly, to see what our strengths and weaknesses are in order that we can make the improvements necessary to continue to provide an effective and relevant programme of contemporary art for Stoke-on-Trent.
Over the next few weeks, we'll be holding a series of workshops, meetings and events, providing an open, public forum to feed into and create the critical evaluative content necessary to make the decisions we need to make. The residency process will last for about a month, before ultimately we aim to set up an exhibition, in the form of a timeline which will not only show our achievements to date, but will also lay out a vision for our future.
The process is designed to be open, collaborative and consultative, so everyone is not only welcome and encouraged to come into the gallery and see for themselves the progress and process of Stocktake and its organic growth toward the culminative exhibition, but also to contribute and input their own thoughts and ideas which will feed into our future. Tell us where we're going right and wrong, and what you'd like to see happening in the contemporary arts in Stoke-on-Trent in 2012 and beyond.
All of the developments can be followed here and at our website If you have any questions, comments or suggestions, please don't hesitate to drop in to the gallery where someone manning the designated hotdesk will be happy to talk to you - or alternatively, drop us an email at
preparations begin